Tuesday, February 5, 2013


So, I just realized (after being informed - thanks Cheryl!) that I forgot to give a post-op update. The surgery went very well. The doctor was pleased with how the procedure went and how my mom's body is handling it so far. After much discussion and consideration, she decided to spend some time in the Stonehenge rehab center in Orem (not England, just in case you were wondering), the same place she went after the hip replacement. Physical therapy is already underway and we're looking forward to a swift recovery. She got all settled in yesterday and would love to hear from anyone. Her number there is 801.850.5439. Thanks for your love and prayers!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Hip

My mom officially has a new piece of hardware in her hip! The surgery was today and the doctor said it all went very smoothly and that it's looking good. He will be in tomorrow to talk in more detail about it. My mom got some great post-op medication, so hopefully she is down for the count for the rest of the night. 

I'm sure she would love to hear from or get a visit tomorrow from anyone who might be interested. She is at the University of Utah Hospital, room 6330, and her phone number is 801.585.8630. If you need the privacy code for calling her (I'm not sure if you'll need it, but just in case...), call or e-mail me and I'd be glad to give it to you.

So, that's about what we know for now. She got a blessing before going in and was so grateful for the extra help. She told me she is also grateful for the prayers on her behalf lately, especially going in to today.

Love you all and I'll update as we know more.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Amongst all the other negative spill-over from the hip dislocation, probably the saddest to LC was that she wasn't going to be able to vote in this election. She had a perfect record thus far of voting in every election since she was 21 and, as is no surprise to those who know her, had no desire to have that record tainted. Nevertheless, she had resigned herself to the fact that she wouldn't be adding her voice this year.

Apparently, word got out. When LC got home from the hospital, Jenny and Lisa came and said, "We're going to help you vote." So they piled into the car and went to the polling station. Upon arrival, they saw that the front was barricaded off with school buses so that nobody could park right in front of the building. Lisa got out of the car and went up to the bus drivers and said, "My grandma just came out of the hospital to vote. Could you move the buses so we can pull up?" They did! When they walked into the polling station, Lisa went up to the front of the line and asked the poll worker, "My grandma just came out of the hospital to vote. Can she come to the front of the line so that she doesn't have to stand here and wait?" The poll worker said no. Undeterred, Lisa turned to the man at the front of the line, said the same thing, and asked if they could butt in front of him. He said that would be fine. She then went down the line asking everyone if my mom could cut in front of them. Everyone said yes!

So, my mom went up, got her ballot, looked over at the voting booths and a lane of people opened up to one empty booth right in front of her. She walked up and maintained her perfect record of voting in every election since she turned 21. No exceptions.

Thanks mom for your participation in the democratic process and for your example! And thanks Lisa and Jenny for making it possible.

This is right after the vote.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Going home!

It's official: the doctors couldn't find anything wrong. So, LC is going home with orders to take it easy and let things heal. It seems like the most likely explanation for the leg pain is that it was residue from the dis- and relocation of her hip. So it should be better soon. As for the fever, it went away, so there really isn't much there to worry about any more. Thanks everyone for thoughts, prayers, and lots of help!

Mm, mm... Hospital in the morning

So, my mom, LC (Lady Constance), officially does not have a blood clot in her leg. She's met with her doctor already this morning and I listened in on the conversation. They still want to keep her there for a little bit to figure out why she's experiencing this really bad pain in her leg, especially her knee, and also why the fever happened. The fever is more secondary now given that LC doesn't have one any more. They should have the results soon!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Hospital update

So, my mom is all nice and settled now in the Utah Valley Hospital, room 794. (Note the specificity of this information - consider it a shameless plug for calls/visits/flowers/singing telegrams/etc.). After a series of x-rays, CT scans, ultrasounds, and a variety of other lovely tests, the official verdict on what is going on to cause the fever is... unknown. Yep, we still really don't know what's happening. In all fairness to the doctors, they haven't had a chance to look at the most recent results yet. The nurse has seen them, but the official look will happen tomorrow.

So, that's about where things are standing now. My mom is all set up for the night with a sweet remote controlled bed and carrot cake. She received a blessing from Steve and Jim and is feeling quite a bit happier this evening. We're looking forward to finding out more tomorrow.

Thanks Jenny, Jim, Gina, Steve and families for being there to support her today. We sure love you!

Off to a running start!

Hi Everyone!

This is Phil. My mom, never the one to be outdone, has decided that in order to get a little more rosiness in her cheeks, she should get a fever. And a swollen leg. How the swollen leg adds to the rosy cheeks, I'm not exactly sure. But nevertheless, she is going forward with this plan with all the will and vigor of a Spanish fighting bull. She's in the hospital tonight since the doctors really don't know what's going on and the fever's gone up since she's been there. They think it might be something to do with an infection somewhere, but they're still looking for it. The brace was taken off for some x-rays, but the hip is holding up. Jenny's been keeping me updated and is there witnessing all the action. Thanks Jenny! We'll put up more when there's something we know for sure. Love you all!


We love you, Constance, Grandma Great, Gram, Mom, Mama C and CK.